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system environment/daemons
apf -
APF - Advanced Policy Firewall
clamd -
The Clam AntiVirus Daemon
fail2ban -
Ban IPs that make too many password failures
fedora-ds -
Red Hat Directory, Administration, and Console Suite
fedora-ds-base -
Fedora Directory Server (base)
haproxy -
HA-Proxy is a TCP/HTTP reverse proxy for high availability environments
haveged -
A Linux entropy source using the HAVEGE algorithm
havp -
HTTP anti-virus proxy filter
ircd-hybrid -
Internet Relay Chat Server
libident-tools -
A small daemon that can be used to test Ident servers
maildrop -
Mail delivery agent with filtering abilities
memcached -
High Performance, Distributed Memory Object Cache
mod_cband -
Bandwidth limiting for virtual hosts
mod_fcgid -
FastCGI interface module for Apache 2
mod_hostinglimits -
Apache module
mod_qos -
Quality of service module for Apache
mod_rpaf -
mod_ruid2 -
Run all httpd process under user's access right.
mod_security -
Security module for the Apache HTTP Server
mod_sed -
mod_sed can be used to filter input/output data using sed commands.
mod_suphp -
An apache2 module for executing PHP scripts with the permissions of their owners
nginx -
Robust, small and high performance HTTP and reverse proxy server
ngircd -
Next Generation IRC Daemon
opendkim -
A DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM) milter to sign and/or verify mail
ossec-hids-agent -
ossec-hids-hybrid -
The OSSEC HIDS hybrid client
ossec-hids-mysql -
The OSSEC HIDS Server mysql connector
ossec-hids-postgres -
The OSSEC HIDS Server postgres connector
ossec-hids-server -
p3scan -
Virus scanning transparent proxy server for POP3 POP3S SMTP
psa-proftpd -
Flexible, stable and highly-configurable FTP server
psa-proftpd-ldap -
Module to add LDAP support to the ProFTPD FTP server
psa-proftpd-mysql -
Module to add MySQL support to the ProFTPD FTP server
psa-proftpd-postgresql -
Module to add PostgreSQL support to the ProFTPD FTP server
psa-proftpd-xinetd -
This is a null package to manage plesk 9.5 backward compatibility.
rbldnsd -
Small, fast daemon to serve DNSBLs
rinetd -
TCP redirection server
unbound -
Validating, recursive, and caching DNS(SEC) resolver
unbound-munin -
Plugin for the munin / munin-node monitoring package
unrealircd -
UnrealIRCd is an IRC server.
xl2tpd -
Layer 2 Tunnelling Protocol Daemon (RFC 2661)