Name: debiandoc-sgml Version: 1.2.15 Release: 0.20110701.0%{?dist} Summary: DebianDoc SGML DTD and formatting tools #Group: License: GPLv2+ # URL: Source0: %{name}_%{version}.tar.gz BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-root-%(%{__id_u} -n) BuildArch: noarch # BuildRequires: Requires(post): /usr/bin/install-catalog Requires(preun): /usr/bin/install-catalog %description This is an SGML-based documentation formatting package used for the Debian manuals. It reads markup files and produces HTML, LaTeX, DVI (via LaTeX), PostScript (via LaTeX/DVI), PDF (via LaTeX), Texinfo, Info (via Texinfo), DebianDoc SGML, DocBook XML, plain text (with overstrikes a la troff as well as without) files. %prep %setup -q %build sed -i -e "s,^perl_dir.*:=.*$,perl_dir := \$(DESTDIR)%{perl_vendorlib}," Makefile make %{?_smp_mflags} prefix=%{_prefix} %install make install DESTDIR=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT prefix=%{_prefix} install -d -m755 ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}/etc/sgml touch ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}/etc/sgml/ %clean rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT %post /usr/bin/install-catalog \ --add /etc/sgml/ \ /usr/share/sgml/debiandoc/dtd/sgml/1.0/catalog /usr/bin/install-catalog \ --add /etc/sgml/ \ /usr/share/sgml/debiandoc/entities/catalog %preun /usr/bin/install-catalog \ --remove /etc/sgml/ \ /usr/share/sgml/debiandoc/dtd/sgml/1.0/catalog /usr/bin/install-catalog \ --remove /etc/sgml/ \ /usr/share/sgml/debiandoc/entities/catalog %files %defattr(-,root,root,-) %doc %{_bindir}/* %{_datadir}/sgml/debiandoc %{_datadir}/debiandoc-sgml %{_mandir}/man1/*.1* %{perl_vendorlib}/DebianDoc_SGML %ghost /etc/sgml/ %changelog